
The Benefits of Using a Private DNS Server

While most individuals and businesses rely on public DNS servers provided by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or tech giants, a powerful alternative exists: private DNS servers.

What is a Private DNS Server?

A private DNS server, as the name suggests, is a DNS server operated privately, typically by an organization or individual for their exclusive use. Unlike public DNS servers, which are open to anyone, private DNS servers are restricted to specific users or networks. These servers handle DNS queries within a closed environment, offering enhanced security, control, and customization options.

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Monitoring service – How does it prevent issues?

Monitoring services have become indispensable tools for modern enterprises, providing invaluable insights and real-time data that can drive informed decision-making and foster success. In this blog post, we will explore what they are, how they work, and why they are of paramount importance for businesses of all sizes.

What is a Monitoring Service?

Monitoring service is a comprehensive solution that tracks and observes various aspects of a business’s operations, processes, and infrastructure. It utilizes cutting-edge technologies and data collection techniques to gather information and metrics continuously. These metrics are then analyzed and transformed into meaningful reports and visualizations, enabling businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their performance and potential areas of improvement.

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What is FQDN used for?

FQDN – What does it stand for?

A domain name that specifies its precise location inside the Domain Name System’s tree hierarchy is referred to as a “fully qualified domain name,” or FQDN. It is occasionally also used in conjunction with an absolute domain name. So, it describes each domain level, including the root zone and Тop-Level Domain. It is the most thorough method of composing a specific domain name for a host or machine.

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PTR record: Why do you need it?

Are you searching on the web what exactly is PTR record and why do you need it? If yes, you are in the right spot. Why? Because in this article today, we will take a deep look at its main purpose, what is its structure and why it is so essential and needed for you and your business organization. So, let’s explore it.

PTR record – Detailed explanation

The aim of the PTR record, also known as a Pointer record, is quite specific. First, the IP address must be linked to the domain name. Furthermore, this kind of DNS record can effectively work with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. As a result, you can configure and perform Reverse DNS using the Pointer record.

How to check the PTR record?

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What do you need to know about IPv6?

Our topic today is exactly IPv6. This is a really important Internet Protocol type that you have to know. Why, you will see it later. Let’s start.

The purpose of the IPv6

IPv6 is the Internet Protocol’s sixth generation of the IP address. When sending and receiving data from a host to a destination, IPs are a set of rules that a device must obey. Therefore, a list of identifiable hosts, their locations, IP addresses, and a communication path will be necessary.

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DNS resolution: What triggers the entire process?

DNS resolution is the whole process from receiving the query to finding the IP address and loading the searched page. It happens daily, and we don’t even notice it. In our article, we will go over this procedure in full detail.

DNS resolution – what does it mean?

The process of finding an IP address from a domain name is known as DNS resolution. We can simply visualize DNS resolution by imagining a phone directory with people’s names. Unfortunately, it’s too difficult for us to remember their phone numbers. For DNS resolution, the same principle applies. It gets to its IP address via the domain name.

How to fix DNS resolution errors?

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What is shared hosting, and how does it work?

If you have a great idea for an online website, congrats! Based on the type of website you are building, different needs will emerge, but a common one for everybody is to choose web hosting type and provider. Without this service, your website won’t be reachable on the Internet. In this context, shared hosting is a popular and economical type of web hosting. Check what it is about to find out if it’s a choice for you!

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